
Thank you for considering a donation - here's how to donate and what your money would go towards

Who you'll donate to

We're a small project, too small to have our own accounts. So thankfully, Hope Church Luton has taken us under their wings. We use their bank account to receive donations.

How to donate:

  • use the bank details on the Hope Church website

  • when you make a donation, use the reference 'Edible High Town'

What your donation will go towards:

  • paid time for a gardener to deliver the weekly sessions, maintain our tools and materials and bring gardening expertise to the volunteers

  • paid time for a project coordinator to recruit and supervise volunteers, engage neighbours, plan and promote sessions, keep track of attendance, carry out risk assessments, link up with other organisations and Luton Council and represent Edible High Town in the wider network

  • website development and maintenance, social media and email campaigns to reach increase the reach and visibility of the project

  • storage of our tools and equipment

  • sundries such as gloves and small tools

  • leaflets and signs

  • plants, seeds and compost]

  • training and workshops

  • volunteer expenses

If there is something in particular that you'd like us to use your donation for, contact us.

Did you know?

We make our activities as inexpensive as possible by:

  • reusing materials

  • making our own compost

  • growing plants from seed