Boyle Close

Boyle Close

Our newest plot on the Paths Estate

About this garden

Boyle Close will be our first joint venture with a resident. Until April, it was an overgrown patch with flytipping thrown in.

With funding from Near Neighbours and Nature Hubs, we've started to turn this patch of land into a thriving garden. 


Looking at our work

Sweet peas

Raised beds

Onion flowers

Coming up next

Coffee morning

Join us on 12 July for a coffee morning and take a tour of our garden. 

Coriander growing well

See our herb border

Our fist bi-lingual plant sign

We're learning about plants in Bangladesh

What you can do here

What will be growing this season



Herbs and flowers

What's great here

What's challenging here

Longer-term plans

Water butts

We have permission to fit a waterbutt, but it needs to be safe and secure. Timeline TBC.